Calendar and Parent Handbook 2025 | Book a School Tour

Student Wellbeing


Relationships are at the forefront of all we do at St Francis Xavier’s...

To be successful learners, children need to feel safe and secure. When joining our school community, we immediately begin that process of communicating and understanding our families. We are here to support you, and highly value working in partnership.

We encourage active listening and caring for others, building trust so that children thrive in their learning environment. Our learning is tailored to the individual’s needs, giving children the best opportunity for success.

We have various programs in place to support children both academically and personally, and also have a School Counsellor that families and children can access.

Upon joining our school community, children are placed in a School House. Houses comprise students from Reception to Year 6, and are involved in House activities that encourage connection, cooperation and friendship.

The safety of our students is paramount, and school gates are locked after school drop-off and re-opened at the end of the school day. Visitors to the school are required to sign in and out at the Front Office.

As part of the Wellbeing Curriculum, we have implemented The Resilience Project.

The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs, providing practical, evidence-based mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. Through curriculum and children's GEM (Wellbeing) Journals, the benefits of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness are shared, together with easy ways to practise these in everyday life.

We encourage families to explore the Parent & Carer Hub.

We believe that children learn in a caring, accepting environment, and when encouraged and supported, they will experience success.