Calendar and Parent Handbook 2025 | Book a School Tour


Our sense of belonging to a community begins with pride in our self and our uniform.

Our students are expected to take pride at all times in their grooming and presentation. It is essential that parents support their child/ren in the correct wearing of the school uniform.

At St Francis Xavier's we have an active school uniform, and this is compulsory for all students.

Please take a look at the SFX Uniform Collection using the below link. 

Uniform Shop

Our uniform is available for purchase at the Noone Imagewear Uniform Shop, 10 Newton Road, Campbelltown.

The Noone Uniform Shop is open as follows, and families are able to order online with delivery once a week to the school:

  • Monday            9:00 am – 5.00 pm
  • Tuesday           9:00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Wednesday      9:00 am – 5.00 pm
  • Thursday          9:00 pm – 5.00 pm 
  • Friday               9:00 am – 5.00 pm
  • Saturday           9:00 am – 1.00 pm

The school hat, beanie, scarf and satchel are available for purchase at the school.

For further details regarding the shop, or for online purchases, please click on the following link:  Online School Uniform Shop

The school also has a Facebook page set up for families to buy/sell secondhand uniforms.

Footwear, Hats, bags and hairstyles


Children are required to wear predominately white sneakers with white laces. Please refer to The Athletes Foot brochure for suggested options. 

School Hats

The school hat is to be worn at recess, lunch and for all outdoor activities during Term 1 and 4. This includes matches and training for School Sporting teams.

School Bags

The Official St Francis Xavier branded school backpack is the official school bag. All students must use this use every day they come to school. Other brands are not permitted.

Our school backpacks are fully ergonomic and are recommended by the Chiropractors Association.

Hair & Grooming

Hairstyle is also a part of the school uniform.

Students are expected to show pride in themselves and their school by paying attention to their personal appearance. Clothing is to be clean and in a good state of repair. Make-up and nail polish are not permitted.

Shoulder-length hair or longer is to be tied back and away from the face. Accessories are to be minimal, and navy or white in colour. Any change to hair colour should be in natural toning only. Highlights are permitted but should not be excessive.

Hairstyles are to be moderate and not extreme - no lines or patterns cut into the hair.

Any variation to the school uniform should be discussed with the school Principal. Parents will be informed if their child is regularly not complying with the school uniform.